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Doris Yu 庾春鳳

When the lights go up, Doris Yu brings the stage to life. Doris Yu has dedicated a lifetime of passion, raw talent, and hard work to every performance piece. Join in on the pursuit for fresh artistic visions and become part of the investigative journey.


香港演藝學院戲劇學院榮譽學士學位畢業,主修表演;於University of Central England (Birmingham)修讀戲劇教育碩士學位。曾連續四年獲頒成龍獎慈善獎學金、黎草田紀念獎學金、上海匯豐銀行獎學金。曾代表學院遠赴英國參與愛丁堡藝術節《阿Q正傳》及台北之學術交流。

近期演出有音樂劇《爛聲書院》、《渴求海鷗》、音樂劇《圍村潮大少》、音樂劇《天城路上的20歲上班族》、《小城風光》、《歌劇百年盛宴》、音樂劇《尋找快樂的藍鳥》(英/粵)、《小丑襪語》、巡迴音樂劇《半斤八兩合唱團》、《拾壹》、巡迴音樂劇《做人咪做123》、《極地之光》(國語)、《高度》、《抗逆家庭》、《蜑家、漁港、你我講》、《玩演員》、《天后》、《Cinderella》、《柬約》、《Grease》、《愛上劉三姐》、《Footloose渾身是勁》、《十兄弟》、《威表哥與七個小矮人》;曾話劇演出包括《高度》(國語)、《咖啡》、《承受清風》(首演及重演)、《易角》、賽馬會創意藝術中心螞蟻節、《黑暗燃燒》、英語話劇《向蘇絲黃致敬》(英/粵/國)、《陰道獨白》(VDay 2007及2008)(英/粵)及《Wonder of World》 等,並曾為香港迪士尼樂園及海洋公園於舞台及巡迴表演任三語(粵語/英文/國語)演員。


多年來為過百間中小學執導週年匯演及畢業禮,作品有《木偶奇遇記》、《白雪公主搖滾傳說》、《阿拉丁》、《小飛俠》、《Shakespeare Escapades》、《戀愛大爆髮》、《花木蘭》、《獅子王》、《綠野仙蹤》、《美女與野獸》、《The Missing Piece》、《The Blaze》、《舞出真我》、《油脂》、《灰姑娘》、《From Zero to Hero》、《Dancing 8》、《So I Think I Can Dance》… 等


曾為香港音樂劇學院、Theatre Noir、捌揪壹劇團、赫墾坊劇團、劇場空間作巡迴演出,及被邀請為香港學校戲劇節(英文組)及其他戲劇比賽之評判。曾合作過的團體包括康樂及文化事務處、香港音樂劇學院、香港兒童音樂劇團、新光大劇場、Theatre Noir、雷台製作、三木劇作、AFTEC、SDM爵士及芭蕾舞學院、愛麗絲劇場實驗室、香港小莎翁、劇場工作室、明日藝術教育機構、劇場空間、大細路劇團、啟智、優才教育等團體,在多間社區中心、以及過百間幼稚園、中、小學及私人機構作戲劇導師、導演、教學藝人,及參與電視、電影、節目主持、配音及廣告之演出。


現為三語(粵/英/普)自由身演員、導演及戲劇導師,主要教授英語戲劇,讓不同年紀的學生體驗戲劇帶來的樂趣。Artistic Director: 


Doris obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree, majoring in Acting, from the Drama School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She also studied an MA in Drama-in-Education from the University of Central England (Birmingham). She has been awarded four times the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Scholarship, the Lai Cho-tin Memorial Scholarship and the HSBC Scholarship. She has also joined cultural exchanges in Edinburgh, London and Taipei. She represented the academy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2004 in The Short Story of Ah Q. 


Her recent acting performances include Musical The Crap Voice Ensemble, Crave for Seagull,《圍村潮大少》,《天城路上的20歲上班族》,Our Town, Opera Carnival, The Bluebird of Happiness, Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme with Theatre Noir, Falling in Love with Her, Cousin Wai and Seven Dwarfs, Footloose, Brother Ten, Road show Musical The Story of the Fishermen, Act My Life, Musicals Tin Hau, Cinderella, An Invitation of Love and Grease; Stage Shows include The Height, Morgan’ s Journey, Shi Yi, The Ant Festival @ JCCAC, Wonder of Word, Inherit the Wind (1st and Re-run),and Burning in the Darkness, The Real Suzie and the Vagina Monologues (V-Day 2007 & 2008 were performed in English). 


She has directed school productions for anniversaries and educational purpose. Her recent works include Pinocchio, The Rockin’ Tale of Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, Shakespeare Escapades, Hairspray, Mulan, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Missing Piece, Wizard of Oz, The Blaze, Fame, Grease, Cinderella, Dancing 8, So I Think I Can Dance,… etc.


She worked as a full-time multi-language actress at the Hong Kong Disneyland, performing in the Festival of the Lion King among other duties. She has been invited as an adjudicator for Hong Kong School Drama Festival (English Section) and other local drama competitions for years. She has also worked as a performer, Choreographer and Director and tutor for companies including LCSD, Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute, Hong Kong Children Musical Theatre, Ray’s Production, Threewoods Playwright, Theatre Noir, AFTEC, SDM Jazz and Ballet Academie, Ocean Park, Exploration Theatre, Drama Gallery, Alice Theatre Laboratory, Theatre Space, Jumbo Kids Theatre, Shakespeare4All, Ming Ri Education Centre, Eduarts Ltd, Empty Theatre, Talent Education, Strategic Entertainment, etc. 


She has experience as a teaching artist in over 100 local primary and secondary schools, an actress in stage shows, touring performances, TV and film, an MC for various events and as a voice over artist. 

Doris Yu

Multi-lingual Performer, Drama Educator, Director


Doris Yu is a captivating Multi-ligual Performer, Drama educator, Director and Adjudictor in Cantonese, English and Putonghua. After studying performance art, Doris Yu has worked tirelessly to develop her career in Theatre Performance and Education, as well as to collaborate on various projects with professional artists.


If you’d like to learn more about the inspiration, style & work that drives Doris Yu to success, get in touch to set off the next journey.


Performance Artist

"Everything has beauty in it, but not everyone sees it"




Hong Kong

9856 9634

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