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專業資格 Qualification
香港演藝學院戲劇學院榮譽學士學位畢業,主修表演;於University of Central England (Birmingham)修讀戲劇教育碩士學位。曾連續四年獲頒成龍獎慈善獎學金、黎草田紀念獎學金、上海匯豐銀行獎學金。曾代表學院遠赴英國參與愛丁堡藝術節《阿Q正傳》及台北之學術交流。
Doris obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree, majoring in Acting, from the Drama School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She also studied an MA in Drama-in-Education from the University of Central England (Birmingham). She has been awarded four times the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Scholarship, the Lai Cho-tin Memorial Scholarship and the HSBC Scholarship. She has also joined cultural exchanges in Edinburgh, London and Taipei. She represented the academy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2004 in The Short Story of Ah Q.
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